Sunday, February 15, 2009
Uncle Killa is on HBO!!!

I told you earlier that a film I'm writing was adapted and used as a short for a friend of mine's thesis project at Columbia University. Well it just so happens that the film has won a few awards and is on HBO onDemand All February until March 2. Its beautiful to see something you create make its way to HBO. Please order it OnDemand, its free if you hav HBO ondemand, and i'm sure they keep records of how many times its been viewed. I may need to put that on my resume onde day!!! Oh and feel free to let me know how you feel about it, good, bad or otherwise. 

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Blogger brotherkomrade said...
Aww man, that's you? Cool. I'm going to let everyone know in my network. Congrats, man.

Blogger Kai said...
preciate it brother comrade!!